Business Finance Application

Prefer to print out an application? Please click here
*Business Legal Name:
DBA (if applicable):
*Phone #:
*Street Address:
*Zip Code:
*Expected Gross:
*# of Trucks in Fleet:
*# of Trailers in Fleet:
*Federal Tax ID/EIN:
*Business Started
*# of Employees:
*Years of CDL Experience:
*Months of CDL Experience:
Work References: (if applicable):
*Years as Owner Operator / Paid as 1099:
*Years of Industry Experience:
*Legal Structure:
*Finance Amount:
*Term (in months):
*What are you looking to purchase/finance:
*First Name:
*Last Name:
*Home Owner:
*Previous Bankruptcy?
*Previous Repo?
*Previous Units Financed?
*Personal/Cell #:
*% Ownership:
*Social Security #:
*Home Address:
*Zip Code:
*How did you hear about us: